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Watch What Happens When Twin Brothers Try a Face Swapping App

1 minute read

Thanks to the hilarious photos and videos that often result from two people switching facial features in real time, face swapping apps have become all the rage. But when this pair of Russian twins decided to try one of the apps, the outcome was a bit unusual.

Andrew Yarunin shared a video of himself face swapping with his brother Sergey that showed the app having almost no effect on the identical siblings’ appearances. As Sergey moves in and out of the frame, it even becomes difficult to tell when the app is working and when it’s not.

Read More: See the Dramatic Differences Between Identical Twins Over Time

The clip was posted to YouTube on Monday and has since been viewed over 15,000 times to date.

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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com