• Motto

It’s Not ‘Crazy’ to Feel Angry Sometimes

1 minute read

You’ve no doubt chatted with your girlfriends about times you’ve been annoyed, frustrated or stressed—but chances are you didn’t express your anger when you felt it.

“Is there a socially acceptable way for women to admit or even acknowledge that they’re angry? I think historically the answer is no,” says Vproud founder Karen Cahn, who delved into the topic with a group of female influencers for this week’s episode of “You’re Not Crazy,” a video series that tackles various mental-health issues affecting women.

In part of her standup in the video, comedian Leah Bonnema talks about “falling from grace” while having a meltdown during her commute. “Just the fact that she calls it ‘falling from grace’ instead of ‘getting angry’ is so fascinating,” says Cahn.

The above clip is made up of footage shared exclusively with Motto. To view the whole episode, visit vproud.tv or watch it here:

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Write to Robin Hilmantel at robin.hilmantel@time.com