• U.S.

NYC Mayor Spending $100M to Rebuild Every Home Sandy Destroyed

1 minute read

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to rebuild every home destroyed by Hurricane Sandy 17 months after the mega-storm caused billions of dollars property damage and left an estimated 117 dead in the U.S. alone.

De Blasio said Saturday that he’s reallocating $100 million to fund the rebuilding of every home Sandy destroyed as part of the city’s “Build It Back” program. De Blasio announced his plan in a speech alongside Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY).

“Construction has started, the first checks are on the way and we are making immediate policy and staff changes to further expedite and streamline the process so that New Yorkers get the help they need now,” said de Blasio.

Many New Yorkers and residents along the East Coast have expressed frustration with the pace of recovery as rebuilding has lagged behind schedule in many areas.


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