• LightBox

Scenes From a Day of Voting on ‘Super Tuesday 2’

1 minute read

Millions of Americans voted today in five states across the country as the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries entered their final stages, especially in the key states of Florida and Ohio.

TIME LightBox commissioned photographers Christopher Morris and Andrew Spear to take over our Instagram feed as they respectively crisscrossed South Florida and Ohio. They shared scenes from the campaigns of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Kasish and Rubio, following supporters in their last-ditch efforts to get their candidates over the almighty threshold that will determine their future and that of the entire country.

Here is a selection of their best photographs. See more on @timelightbox.

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Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries.Bernie Sanders Miami Florida headquarters.
A selfie station is set up at the Miami headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as Floridians head to the polls to vote in the 2016 presidential primaries on March 15, 2016.Christopher Morris—VII for TIME
Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries.Manny Roman, Chair of Miami-Dade & Mark Dienstag, Co-Chair of Miami-Dade Cruz for President at their Miami headquarters. #election2016 #florida
Manny Roman and Mark Dienstag, the Chair and Co-Chair of Miami-Dade Cruz for President volunteer at the Miami headquarters for Republican presidential candidate, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on March 15.Christopher Morris—VII for TIME
Benita Kahn, right, hugs Clinton campaign fellow Harrison Bronfeld at the Hillary Clinton Campaign Office before phonebanking in Columbus, Ohio.I'm Andy Spear (@andyspear) photographing from Ohio as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. #election2016 #hillaryclinton
Benita Kahn, right, hugs Clinton campaign fellow Harrison Bronfeld at the Hillary Clinton Campaign Office before phone banking in Columbus, Ohio on March 15.Andrew Spear for TIME
Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries.Jeanette Rubio making last minute calls for support for her husband, here in Miami, Florida. #election2016 #florida
Jeanette Rubio makes last minute calls for support for her husband, Republican presidential candidate, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, in Miami on March 15.Christopher Morris—VII for TIME
I'm Andy Spear (@andyspear) photographing from Ohio as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. "Bernie Sanders seeks to be for all of the people. At this point in history, the country needs to embrace diversity. As a minority with a disability, I'm doing my part to have a seat at the table and Sanders works to move [this] forward." - D. Raja Sandor, (@assimilate_this) a volunteer phone banking for Bernie Sanders in Columbus, Ohio. #election2016 #berniesanders
D. Raja Sandor is a volunteer phone banking for Bernie Sanders in Columbus, Ohio on March 15. Sandor said of his support: "Bernie Sanders seeks to be for all of the people. At this point in history, the country needs to embrace diversity. As a minority with a disability, I'm doing my part to have a seat at the table and Sanders works to move [this] forward." Andrew Spear for TIME
I'm Andy Spear (@andyspear) photographing from Ohio as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. A volunteer grabs coffee and snacks at Bernie Sanders' campaign office in Columbus, Ohio. #election2016 #berniesanders
A volunteer grabs coffee and snacks at Bernie Sanders' campaign office in Columbus, Ohio on March 15.Andrew Spear for TIME
Outside polling station at Fire station No. 2, Miami Florida.Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries.#election2016 #florida
A man walks outside a polling station at Fire station No. 2 in Miami on March 15.Christopher Morris—VII for TIME
Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries.Campaign signs Robert King High Park, Miami, Florida.
Campaign signs in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are posted at Robert King High Park in Miami on March 15.Christopher Morris—VII for TIME
I'm Andy Spear (@andyspear) photographing from Ohio as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. Pasquale Mann, promoting a number of voting choices, on the campus of Baldwin-Wallace University in Berea, Ohio, where John Kasich will be holding an event later this evening. #election2016 #johnkasich
Pasquale Mann promotes a number of voting choices on the campus of Baldwin-Wallace University in Berea, Ohio, where John Kasich is schedule for an event in the evening of March 15.Andrew Spear for TIME
I'm Andy Spear (@andyspear) photographing from Ohio as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. A supporter's truck outside of Bernie Sanders' campaign office in Columbus, Ohio. #election2016 #berniesanders
A supporter's truck is parked outside of Bernie Sanders' campaign office in Columbus, Ohio on March 15.Andrew Spear for TIME
I'm Andy Spear (@andyspear) photographing from Ohio as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. A packed room at the John Kasich Campaign Office phonebanking in Columbus, Ohio. #election2016 #johnkasich
The room is packed with volunteers at the John Kasich Campaign Office phonebanking in Columbus, Ohio on March 15.Andrew Spear for TIME
Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. Miami Beach, Florida.
Christopher Morris (@christopher_vii), photographing from Florida as the state goes to the polls to vote in the 2016 Presidential Primaries. Miami Beach, Florida.Christopher Morris—VII for TIME

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