J.K. Rowling Gives Shoutout to ‘Inspirational Woman’ Emma Watson

1 minute read

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Twitter designed an emoji for the gender equality campaign HeForShe, which is spearheaded by UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson.

And being the wonderful female supporter she is, Harry Potter’s J.K. Rowling chimed in to back her on-screen Hermione.

Watson spent the morning in New York kicking of HeForShe’s Inaugural Arts Week, saying that the best way to affect change in the inequality landscape is by acting as an active bystander.

“Most men and women can name a moment in their lives when they were a witness to a man or a woman being treated unfairly because of gender and it just takes someone calling it out,” she said.

Watson, who delivered a much-praised speech on gender equality at the U.N. in 2014, recently said she is taking a year off from acting to focus on gender studies and her feminist book club.

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