• World

China Plans to Send a Second Space Laboratory Into Orbit This Year

1 minute read

China will place its second space laboratory into earth’s orbit later this year, sources within the country’s space program told state-run media Sunday, furthering its push under President Xi Jinping to become the world’s next space power.

The Tiangong 2, or “Heavenly Palace,” laboratory will eventually dock with a cargo ship called Tianzhou 1 or “Heavenly Vessel” when it is launched early next year, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

The space lab, adding to the successful launch and operation of Tiangong 1 in September 2011, aligns with China’s road map to establishing a permanently manned space station in orbit by the year 2022.

China also plans to send two astronauts aboard the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft into orbit to dock with Tiangong-2 by the end of the year.

Construction of the orbiting space station will likely be completed by 2020, a spokesperson for the Asian superpower’s manned space program said.


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Write to Rishi Iyengar at rishi.iyengar@timeasia.com