• U.S.
  • Minnesota

Minnesota to Revoke ‘Offensive’ Anti-Muslim License Plate

1 minute read

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety has apologized for issuing a license plate that “FMUSLMS.”

“This personalized license plate should never have been issued; it is offensive and distasteful,” the department said in a statement. “We are in the process of revoking and taking possession of the plates today.”

A Snapchat picture of the license plate, which was taken by a local high school student, was circulated on social media after Haji Yusuf, a member of an anti-discrimination advocacy group, posted it to Facebook, Fox 9 reports.

The DPS issued the plate last June and says its Vehicle Services Division will review the approval process for personalized license plates.

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton said he was “appalled” by the plate in a statement. “I am appalled that this license plate was issued by the State of Minnesota,” he said. “It is offensive, and the person who requested it should be ashamed. That prejudice has no place in Minnesota.”


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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com