This Photo of Mark Zuckerberg Is an Eerie Glimpse Into the Future

1 minute read

In the future, we will all live exclusively through the lenses of virtual reality headsets. We will always be plugged in. There will be no presidents. There will be no prime ministers. There will be no senators. There will be just one, glorious leader: Mark Zuckerberg.

Okay, okay, that may be a bit sinister. But the following photo, which the Facebook CEO posted on Sunday, makes that world seem like a possibility:

The photo was taken at the Mobile World Congress, a major tech conference held in Spain, and shows Zuckerberg walking past people testing out Samsung Gear virtual reality headsets. As Business Insider points out, people have definitely noticed how eerie this photo is.

It’s not yet clear if we’ll all have to wear gray T-shirts once Lord Zuck officially takes over the planet.

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