• Politics

Hillary Clinton Celebrates Victory in Nevada With a Call for Unity

3 minute read

Celebrating a solid victory in the Nevada caucuses, Hillary Clinton flew into friendly terrain in Houston on Saturday night with a message of unity and movement building, asking her supporters to “imagine a tomorrow” where “every American will have a role to play.”

Clinton did not mention Bernie Sanders’ name, but after winning support among a diverse coalition in the Nevada caucuses, her message of building seemed to echo her opponent’s.

“No one can break down every barrier alone not even the president of the United States,” Clinton said to 2,000 people in a gymnasium at Texas Southern University. “It’s got to be mission of our entire nation. I think we’re all in this together, and we all do better when we all do better. … I have never believed in dividing America between us and them.”

Clinton came to Houston flush from a win in Nevada, where for weeks polls had shown Sanders tightening the gap. Her aides seemed to downplay the Nevada results in the days before the caucus. But she came out of the state looking stronger than after her landslide defeat in New Hampshire.

“You having a great night or what?” Clinton said to her crowd of some 2,000 people. “I sure have.”

Her remarks were upbeat and hopeful, and she repeatedly asked her supporters to get involved, even asking them to go to her website, where visitors are asked to donate to the campaign.

Sanders has galvanized a generation of voters with his calls for a political revolution where Americans “stand together” and say “enough is enough.” Sanders’ oft-repeated message, which he has been delivering since last summer, is one of his biggest applause lines: “If we stand together, there is nothing, nothing, we cannot accomplish.”

Texas is one of the 11 states that are voting on March 1, or Super Tuesday, a key date on the Democratic calendar that will determine the trajectory of the race.

The upcoming states are significantly more diverse than Iowa and New Hampshire, and Clinton focused on voting rights and immigration. Her surrogates repeatedly noted the diversity among her supporters in the room.

“I’m excited because this will take all of us working together, looking out for one another, lifting each other up,” she said.

Clinton spoke after Houston-area Rep. Al Green and Rep. Gene Green, as well as her oft-talked about possible vice presidential pick, Secretary of Housting and Urban Development Julian Castro.

Her supporters in the audience registered the importance of her win in Nevada. “I think Sanders has done way better than I ever thought he would but I do think through the South and Super Tuesday she’s going to do ’em, and then he’ll fade through the rest of the race. ” said David Meeker-Williams, a retired pastor.

Clinton ended by asking her to supporters to “imagine a tomorrow” where her white paper proposals on climate change, immigration reform and college tuition are policy. “With your help my friends that is the tomorrow we will build for this great country of ours,” she said. “That is the the tomorrow that I want you to work with me to achieve. That is the tomorrow where each and every person will have a role to play.”

She will spend the next days holding a series of fundraisers before heading to South Carolina.

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