Even on eBay, Men Make More Money Than Women

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The wage gap between men and women has been shown to be real time and again: men tend to make significantly more than their female counterparts for the same work.

Now, new research shows that women also earn less when they’re selling products to buyers. Women earned 80 cents for every dollar a man earned when selling the exact same new item on eBay, according to the study in Science Advances. Women earned 97 cents on the dollar for the same used products and tend to receive fewer bids on their items than their male counterparts.

The disparity wasn’t equal across all types of products, according to the study. Researchers said that gaps between the earnings of men and women were smaller or did not exist for toy and doll sales and were especially dramatic for jewelry and watches.

Read More: How Much Would You Make if You Were a Man?

Researchers analyzed more than 1 million eBay sales on the 420 most popular items between 2009 and 2012.

EBay released a statement noting that it was not involved and the research, and nearly half of its top consumer sellers in the U.S. are female. “We are passionate about harnessing our platform to empower millions of people by leveling the playing field for them,” the company said. “We do not reveal the gender of our sellers, although they can choose to do that themselves. When our sellers succeed, eBay succeeds.”

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Write to Justin Worland at justin.worland@time.com