Watch This Kid Coach His Dad to Success by Talking Like DJ Khaled

1 minute read

DJ Khaled breathed new life into his career in recent months when he began revealing his “major keys to success,” a.k.a. various morsels of worldly wisdom, to his fans on Snapchat. The 40-year-old president of Def Jam South — who has garnered over 2 million followers on the social media app — has become increasingly well-known for documenting motivational gems of advice while going about his daily activities.

Read More: Understanding the Key Emoji and DJ Khaled’s ‘Major Keys to Success’

Although these inspirational — and often convoluted — sayings are funny enough to stand on their own, All Def Digital has found a way to make them even more hilarious. And that, of course, is by having a kid recite them. In one of the YouTube channel’s recent videos, a young boy spouts off some of Khaled’s thought-provoking adages to help encourage his dad to succeed. “Life is like an elevator: up, down, up down,” the boy says. “Stay focused because we’re on an elevator that is basically life.”

Watch the full clip above.

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