• Politics

Twitter Users Brainstormed Some #BetterWaysToElectPOTUS and They’re Amazing

1 minute read

After reports that some of the Iowa caucuses were literally determined with a coin flip, Twitter users on Wednesday mobbed the #BetterWaysToElectPOTUS hashtag to mock the Presidential election process and suggest some new ideas for picking a Commander in Chief.

Comedy writer Will Presti appears to have started the tag and it quickly trended to number one in the U.S. as users joined in with their own jokes.

“I thought it would be a funny idea anyway but the Iowa coin toss was probably the impetus that brought it to the forefront of my mind,” Presti told TIME.

Below are some of the best #BetterWaysToElectPOTUS tweets:

And a tribute to TIME’s August Donald Trump cover photo-shoot.

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