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This Ad Shows How Airbnb Can Be Really Disgusting

1 minute read

Airbnb can be a really great way to save some money and meet cool people when you’re traveling. But it can also be a hellish way to get your home totally trashed after you’ve rented it out, to accidentally stay in a drug den, or have to share your vacation with a bunch of gross weirdos.

That last scenario is the focus of this new ad from HomeAway, a company that lets you rent an entire house (as opposed to just one room, which is what many Airbnb users do.) The one-minute ad, narrated by Parks and Rec‘s Nick Offerman, really drives home the point that the sharing economy can have its downsides.

The ad focuses primarily on weird, hairy men and all the ways they’ll ruin your vacation if you have to spend time with them. It’s pretty effective.

As the Wall Street Journal points out, the ad never explicitly mentions Airbnb—but the connection feels pretty obvious.

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