Watch 183 Different Movies ‘Sing’ a Linkin Park Song

1 minute read

YouTube user The Unusual Suspect used his impressive editing skills to give the world a gift—the entirety of Linkin Park‘s “In The End” as “sung” by characters from 183 different movies, including The Avengers, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Big, Avatar, Top Gun, and The Dark Knight.

Through the magic of editing, characters like Ron Burgundy, Marty McFly, Bane, James Bond, Snape, Heath Ledger’s Joker, and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter and Willy Wonka all get in on the singing action. (We should have known Bane was a Linkin Park fan.) But the Linkin Park karaoke fun isn’t just limited to live action heroes—Yoda, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson, Nemo, Legos, Chuckie, Big Hero 6, and more are all woven into the mix. Check out the full list here.


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