British Couple Welcomes Second Cloned Puppy

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A British couple has welcomed a second puppy clone of their deceased dog Dylan into their home.

Richard Remde and Laura Jacques paid $100,000 (£67,000) to have their beloved boxer dog Dylan cloned. The first clone puppy, Chance, was born via caesarean section from a surrogate dog on Dec. 26. The second puppy, named Shadow, was born naturally via surrogate on Monday, the Guardian reports. The puppies are healthy.

The Guardian reports that the puppies have markings that are identical to markings on Dylan, who died at age eight from a brain tumor. The puppies were cloned from Dylan nearly two weeks after the dog had died, which the Guardian reports is past the prior limit of five days for cloning a dog after death.

The couple used the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation for the cloning service. Sooam has produced more than 700 dogs for customers.

[The Guardian]




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