• U.S.

Friend and Former Neighbor of San Bernardino Shooters Denied Bail

1 minute read

Enrique Marquez Jr., a friend and former neighbor of the couple who killed 14 people this month in San Bernardino, California, was denied bail Monday on charges of conspiring to provide material support to terrorism and other counts.

Marquez, 24, bought the .223-caliber DPMS model AR-15 and the Smith & Wesson M&P15 assault-style rifles used in the shootings at the Inland Resource Center on Dec. 2.

The shooters, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, were killed in a confrontation with police a few hours later.

U.S. Magistrate Judge David Bristow sided with prosecutors in Riverside, California, saying that while Marquez didn’t appear to be a flight risk, the charges that he conspired with Farook to commit terrorist acts in 2011 and 2012 indicated that he could be a threat to the community.

Read the rest of the story from our partners at NBC News.


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