• Entertainment

Watch John Oliver Say What We’re All Thinking About the Paris Attackers

1 minute read

John Oliver opened his show Sunday with some words about the Paris attacks—some very profane words.

“Here is where things stand,” Oliver starts. “First, as of now, we know this attack was carried out by gigantic f—–g a——s. Unconscionable, flaming a——s, possibly working with other f—–g a——s, definitely working in service of an ideology of pure a——ery. Second, and this goes almost without saying, f–k these a——s. F–k them, if I may say, sideways.”

Oliver then goes on to say that “France is going to endure” because “If you’re in a war of culture and lifestyle with France, good f—–g luck.” Oliver then lists the many culture icons France has going for it from fine wine to madeleines to Marcel Proust.

You can watch the video, which obviously contains profanity, below.


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