• World

Prince Charles Sends ‘Profound Sympathy’ as Royals Around World Call for ‘Unity’ Amid Paris Horror

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Royal families from around the world added their voices to the clamor to stand in solidarity with the people of France.

Soon after the attacks, President Barack Obama condemned them saying that they were against “all of humanity and the universal values that we share.”

Then, as the world reacted to the horror, on the other side of the world, Prince Charles said that he was sending a message of “profound sympathy and solidarity” and his office at Clarence House released a tweet with his sentiments.

“From Australia, The Prince of Wales is sending President Hollande a message of profound sympathy and solidarity with the people of Paris.”

Charles, who turned 67 on Saturday, has spent much of his public life increasing links between religions and communities in the UK.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth II released a statement as well: “Prince Philip and I have been deeply shocked and saddened by the terrible loss of life in Paris.

“We send our most sincere condolences to you, the families of those who have died and the French people.”

From France’s neighbor Monaco, Prince Albert wrote to President Francois Hollande of France, that the attacks had shocked those in his country. “My country shares the grief and terror of our friend France friend, murdered by these terrorist crimes,” he wrote.

“With respect and immense emotion, Our thoughts also go to all those people wounded in these savage acts.

“In my name and in that of my family and the people of Monaco, I want to assure you of our deep and real solidarity, in union with all those who are mobilized against the terrorist scourge.”

Muslim Queen Rania of Jordan called for nations to unite amid the tragedy.

“From Beirut to Paris, terrorism knows no borders & no religion.Humanity must unite against enemies of humanity #ParisAttacks #ThisIsNotIslam,” she tweeted. Earlier in the week, suicide bombers killed around 40 people in Beirut, Lebanon.

Rania, 45, whose husband King Abdullah II “strongly condemns the cowardly attacks”, has “spoken out” against Islamic terrorists saying, “They want to put the west against Islam, Islam against the rest of the world.”

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks in a statement on Saturday.

This article originally appeared on People.com

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