James McAvoy didn’t need Dr. Charles Xavier’s power’s to lift up Jimmy Fallon Wednesday night.
The star, who’s promoting his film Victor Frankenstein with Daniel Radcliffe, visited Fallon on The Tonight Show with what McAvoy calls a “neo-fascist” hair cut. The Scottish actor’s new look is for an M. Night Shyamalan film he’s currently shooting, but the buzz cut is popular with his son.
“My wife likes it…my kid likes it, well, when he’s on my shoulders he quite likes it because he can rub his hands through it. He thinks it’s spiky and for some reason he gets a tactile pleasure out of it,” he said. “Would you like to try?”
“Can your shoulders hold me?” Fallon responded, climbing on his desk to get on McAvoy’s shoulders and feel his hair. Check out the clip below.
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