Xbox One Owners Can Play Over 100 Xbox 360 Games This Week

2 minute read
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360 is a number of some significance to Xbox fans. Also, 343, and the number one. But 104?

That figure represents the number of backward compatible Xbox 360 games that’ll be playable at no extra charge on the Xbox One when the New Xbox One Experience rolls out this Thursday, November 12. Mike Ybarra, director of program management for Xbox, just outlined the details here with the complete list, which includes all of the Gears of War games, Assassin’s Creed II, Fallout 3, Borderlands and Castle Crashers.

Everyone will have their personal favorites. I’m just happy to see Fable II and Mirror’s Edge in the first round. And Ybarra says Microsoft’s working to add Halo Reach, Halo Wars, Call of Duty: Black Ops, BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite and Skate 3 to the list. Expect the list of 104 to grow “on a regular basis, starting in December.”

Xbox One owners will need to own a copy of the Xbox 360 game they want to play on their newer console.

Also: “New Xbox One Experience” is Microsoft’s way of saying “Windows 10 for Xbox One,” meaning the whole backward-compatibility thing’s going to run on top of the Windows 10 kernel.

Ybarra claims the shift to Windows 10 will make getting to certain game-related features up to 50% faster. I’ve been living with the OS revamp for a few weeks now, and I’ll have more to say later this week, but I can say it definitely feels zippier than the pre-Windows 10 versions.

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