Watch This Orphaned Bear Cub Play in His New Home

1 minute read

A newly released video shows Murphy, an orphaned sun bear cub whose mother was killed by poachers, adapting well to his new environment at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Sanctuary.

Murphy was rescued by the Vietnam’s Forest Protection Department and now lives at the Vietnam Bear Sanctuary. Murphy was six weeks old when he arrived, and he was “whimpering, sad and lost.” The Sanctuary says that after working with the team for three months, Murphy is “ready to face the world again.”

“It’s been a privilege to watch Murphy grow up over these last few months. When he came to us, we couldn’t believe he’d be able to get over the trauma of being taken from his mother at such an early age,” Bear Manager Kelly Donithan said in a statement. “It’s a testament to this amazing sun bear that he’s growing up to be such a happy boy – and a sad reminder of what his life might have been like if there was no bear trade.”

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