Here’s How Lindsey Graham Defended His Unorthodox Positions

2 minute read

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham defended his unorthodox positions on immigration and global warming at the third Republican debate.

After one of the CNBC moderators asked the Republican Senator if he would be better suited on the Democratic stage since he supports immigration reform and addressing climate change through legislation.

“I think I’m trying to solve problems that somebody better solve,” the South Carolina Senator said of his positions on climate change, accepting tax increases as part of a budget deal and co-sponsoring a Senate immigration bill providing a path to citizenship.

“I have been to the Antarctic, I have been to Alaska,” he said of climate change. “I am not a scientist, and I have the grades to prove it. But I’ve talked to the climatologists of the world and 90% of them are telling me that the greenhouse gas effect is real, that we’re heating up the planet. I just want a solution that would be good for the economy that doesn’t destroy it.”

On immigration, he argued that the borders can’t be secured without addressing other issues on immigration.

“We’re going to fix immigration only if we work together,” he said. “I want to secure the border because if we don’t, we’re going to get hurt and hit again. I want to fix our broken Visa system, I want to increase legal immigration because we’re going to have a shortage of workers over time.

“We’re not going to deport 11 million people,” he continued, “But we will deport felons. And those who stay will have to learn our language to stay.”

Read More: Transcript: Read the Full Text of the Undercard CNBC Debate in Boulder

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