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Watch: Dramatic Chopper Rescue Video Of 4-Year-Old Boy In Washington Mudslide

1 minute read

Amid the devastation of the deadly mudslide in Washington state that has left at least 24 people dead and dozens more missing, footage showing a four-year-old boy being rescued from the mud and debris over the weekend brought a glimmer of good news.

The boy, Jacob Spillers, was home with his father and three siblings watching TV when the mudslide hit. Members of the Snohomish County Helicopter Rescue Team are seen in the video jumping from the chopper and trying to grab him from a mountain of clay.

The boy was one of the last people being pulled from the mud alive, the Seattle Times reports. Jacob was reunited with his mother, but his other family members are still missing.

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Write to Francesca Trianni at francesca.trianni@time.com