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Watch Martin O’Malley Cover Taylor Swift’s ‘Bad Blood’ on The View

1 minute read

On The View Tuesday morning, former Maryland Governor and Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley performed Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood.”

The politician, who has played guitar in an Irish folk rock group, said he chose to sing the hit from her album 1989 because Katy Perry is going to an Iowa rally for his opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — alluding to the feud between the two pop singers.

Before the musical number, the hosts of The View spent most of their time gushing over his appearance, posing questions like, “You are ripped! You are like Ned Flanders! Under your shirt, you are just all man! Is this a good campaign strategy?” But they also asked him about his competition, including the possibility of Vice President Joe Biden jumping into the race.

Watch the rest of the interview below (jam session starts around the 8:20 mark):


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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com