• U.S.

Police in Massachusetts Town to Give Citations for Good Behavior

1 minute read

Having a run-in with the law in one town in Massachusetts might not be such a bad thing.

Concord’s police department announced that it will give up to 200 “citations” for good behavior, the Associated Press reports. That means locals could expect to get written up for things like wearing helmets while biking or looking both ways before crossing a road.

Police Chief Joseph O’Connor says the program offers a way for residents and law enforcement to build positive relationships with one another.

To sweeten the deal—perhaps because getting approached by a police officer isn’t a stress-free encounter—people who receive these citations can take them to the dessert cafe Reasons to be Cheerful and redeem them fore two scoops of ice cream, which restaurant owner Wade Rubinstein is donating.


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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com