• U.S.

U.S. Government to Require Drone Registration, Report Says

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Anyone purchasing a drone in the U.S. may soon have to register the unmanned aerial device with the Department of Transportation.

The federal government is expected to announce the new registration regulations Monday, Fortune reports, citing a source familiar with the situation. The Department of Transportation would not specifically confirm the plans, but told Fortune it will “make an important safety announcement about the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems” on Monday.

The news comes amidst growing concern about the privacy and safety dangers drones could create. NBC notes that close encounters between drones and airplanes coming in and out of some of the country’s largest airports have particularly worried officials. In July, a drone came within about 100 feet of a plane carrying 159 people that was preparing to arrive at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, according to the network, much closer than the recommended 1,000 feet of distance.

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com