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Swedish PSA Uses Tampons With Googly Eyes to Teach Kids About Menstruation

1 minute read

Swedish public service broadcaster SVT has aired a PSA for children that aims to demystify menstruation using dancing tampons with googly eyes. The PSA features a jingle, sung by a teen boy in a hoodie playing a ukulele, about how girls should not feel self-conscious about the monthly event. Sample lyrics, according to English subtitles, include the lines, “It’s a healthy thing, let it stream / Cuddle up, eat lots of ice cream.” The tampons also morph into marionette puppets that get dunked into a bowl of red-colored liquid.

AFP points out that a previous Swedish PSA featuring dancing genitals boasts 6.4 million views on YouTube, after sparking outraged comments on Facebook from parents who thought it was too mature for children. (You can watch it here.)

Here’s the menstruation PSA with subtitles:

(h/t Slate)

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com