• Entertainment

Conan O’Brien Will Become First American Late-Night Host to Broadcast From Armenia

2 minute read

In February, Conan O’Brien became the first American late-night television host in nearly 50 years to film a show in Cuba. This November, he will become the first ever to broadcast a show filmed in Armenia, Variety reports.

O’Brien’s visit to the Eurasian country is believed to have begun on Sunday, and he is joined on the trip by his assistant Sona Movsesian, who is of Armenian descent. In a statement to Variety, O’Brien offered a cheeky half-explanation for the visit. “I think it’s every boss’s responsibility to take their assistant back to their ancestral land,” he said. “That’s why I’m going to make sure my next assistant was born in a five-star resort in Tuscany.”

If the episode is anything like the late night host’s jaunt to Cuba, viewers can expect visits to cultural institutions, consumption of traditional provisions and humble interactions with passersby. The visit may also allow Movsesian’s family to achieve a long-held goal—as she wrote in a Reddit AMA two years ago, “All my Armenian relatives are salivating at the thought of feeding conan [sic].”

The episode of Conan is slated to air on TBS on Nov. 10.

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Write to Eliza Berman at eliza.berman@time.com