• U.S.

Vegas Baby Seller Headed Back to Prison After Operating Puppy Mill

1 minute read

A woman convicted of selling babies was sentenced to an additional 10 months in prison Tuesday after violating her terms of her prison release by operating an illegal puppy mill, according to the United States Attorney in the Southern District of California.

Carla Chambers was convicted of operating an illegal baby selling scheme in 2012 that involved creating an inventory of babies and charging would-be parents up to $150,000 for a child. After her release from prison, she violated the terms of her parole by operating a puppy mill from her home in Las Vegas. Chambers also admitted to falsifying her tax return and lying to her probation officer.

The scheme was discovered after multiple puppies sold by Chambers died with their new owners. U.S. District Judge Anthony J. Battaglia called Chambers’ crime “abhorrent” at a hearing Tuesday.

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Write to Justin Worland at justin.worland@time.com