Doctors Are Baffled By This Texas Girl’s Nonstop Sneezing

1 minute read

A 12-year-old girl in Texas can’t go one minute without sneezing.

Katelyn Thornley started sneezing almost constantly about a month ago and hasn’t been able to stop since. The Angleton resident told KTVT-TV that medical professionals are stumped by her condition. She has seen six doctors who have no idea what is causing her affliction, but did rule out allergies or viruses.

“It just started in little spurts. I just started sneezing,” Thornley said. “I thought it was like, oh I’m just allergic to something. I’m constantly in pain with my abdomen, my legs are hurting because I’ve been weak and I can barely eat.”

Thornley said she sneezes up to 20 times a minute, which adds up to about 12,000 times per day. The condition has greatly affected her life, preventing her from attending school and playing her clarinet. She explained that she only stops sneezing when she is able to fall asleep after taking Benadryl.

“Sometimes I wish I could leave my body for a little while so I could watch myself sleep, because even in my dreams, I sneeze,” she remarked.

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