• U.S.

LA Prosecutors Are Reviewing Alleged Bill Cosby Assault at Playboy Mansion

1 minute read

The findings of a Los Angeles Police Department investigation into Bill Cosby over an alleged sexual assault in 2008 are now “under review” by county prosecutors, a spokesperson said.

Chloe Goins,24, alleges that during a party at the Playboy Mansion, Cosby gave her a drink that was drugged, the Los Angeles Times reports. When she woke up, she says, she was naked and Cosby had his pants at his ankles. Goins’ lawyer said she was interviewed by the LAPD for more than two hours in January.

Cosby’s lawyers have denied her allegations and say he was not present at the party.

The update comes the same week that three more woman stepped forward to accuse Cosby of sexual assault, bringing the total number of his accusers to more than 50. He has denied all the accusations.

The statute of limitations for adult sex-crime cases is generally six years, a Loyola law professor told the Times, but there could be other reasons why the LAPD would investigate Goins’ allegations, such as a 1996 change to a California law that allows accusers to testify as witnesses in others’ cases, even if their own never made it to court.

[Los Angeles Times]

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