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These High Schoolers Made an Elaborate 80s-Style Video to Ask Girls to Homecoming

1 minute read

Two high schoolers have made an elaborate 80s-style video to ask two girls to be their homecoming dates.

In the nearly six-minute-long clip, set to Bonnie Tyler’s “I Need a Hero,” George Mugnani and Adam Zybko of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, boast “real mustaches,” don turtlenecks and shorts, and “lace up” their white velcro sneakers in their effort to woo “Claire” and “Emma.” Keep your eyes peeled for Shia LaBeouf’s “guest appearance,” thanks to some crafty video editing.

And looks like the hard work paid off. The girls said “yes,” according to a post on “Total Frat Move,” a lifestyle blog geared toward male college students.

(h/t E!)

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com