See Julie Andrews’ Career in Photos, From Camelot to Victor Victoria

Julie Andrews - Childhood
Archie's Girlfriend in the BBC radio show Educating Archie, 1950 (Age 14)George Konig—Getty Images
Julie Andrews - The Boyfriend
Polly in the musical The Boyfriend, 1954.Bob Wands—AP
My Fair Lady
Eliza Doolittle in the musical My Fair Lady, 1955.Museum of the City of New York/Getty Images
Julie Andrews - Cinderella
Cinderella in the TV movie Cinderella, 1957.CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images
Julie Andrews - Camelot
Queen Guenevere in the musical Camelot, 1960.Archive Photos/Getty Images
Julie Andrews - Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins in the film Mary Poppins, 1964.Disney/Getty Images
Julie Andrews - The Sound of Music
Maria in the film The Sound of Music, 1965. 20th Century Fox
Julie Andrews - Throughly Modern Millie
Millie Dillmount in the film Thoroughly Modern Millie, 1967.Universal/Getty Images
Julie Andrews - Victor Victoria
Victoria Grant in the film Victor Victoria, 1982.MGM
Julie Andrews - Victor Victoria Broadway
Victoria Grant in the musical Victor Victoria, 1996.Ed Bailey—AP
Julie Andrews - The Princess Diaries
Queen Clarisse Renaldi in the film The Princess Diaries, 2001.Disney

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