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This Congressman Drank From the Pope’s Abandoned Glass of Water

2 minute read

Most people took no notice of the glass of water that Pope Francis paused to sip from during his historic address to Congress on Thursday. But for Rep. Bob Brady of Pennsylvania, the vessel became the focal point of the speech.

While the majority of Congress members rushed towards the Pope as he stepped down from the podium on to the House floor, Brady made his way to the lectern to collect the Holy Father’s discarded water. He then brought the glass back to his office before drinking from it.

The Congressman shared the ‘holy’ water with his wife, Debra, and two of his staffers, according to ABC News.

“I took a sip out of it.” Brady told the Philadelphia Daily News. “How many people do you know that drank out of the same glass as the Pope?”

Brady then invited Sen. Bob Casey into his office to view the glass. Casey brought along his wife and mother, and the “three dipped their fingers into the glass,” the Daily News reported. “Pictures were taken, joy was in the air.”

The Congressman said he plans to keep the rest of Papa Francisco’s beverage to sprinkle on his grandchildren.


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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com