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Watch Stephen Colbert Face Off with Stephen Curry In Sock-Shooting Challenge

2 minute read

Stephen Colbert has a beef to settle with Stephen Curry. And what better way to settle it than by competing with the NBA MVP in a shooting contest on live TV?

Late-night host Colbert challenged Curry to a sock shoot-off on Monday night’s episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The bet? Winner gets to be number one in the Google search results for “Stephen,” of course. Colbert explained that he has been fighting to rise in the “Stephen” search rankings for years.

“The problem is that when you type in S-t-e-p-h-e-n into Google search, the number one answer is not me,” he said. “The number one answer is you. It used to go you, Stephen Hawking and then me. I was sucking his exhaust for years. But now I’ve bumped up to number two and I need us to settle who is the Stephen of Stephens here.”

The two faced off in a competition to see who could shoot the most rolled-up socks into a laundry basket in 30 seconds. The score was tied at the end of the time limit so the game went to sudden-death, where both made their only shot.

We guess it’s still up to SEO to decide who reigns supreme on Google.

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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com