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Apple’s Android App Is Being Bombarded With 1-Star Reviews

2 minute read

Apple released its first ever Android app Wednesday, but the app’s sole purpose is to help is to help users transfer their data from an Android phone to an iPhone. And fans of Google’s operating system aren’t happy about it.

The “Move to iOS” app has been flooded with 1-star reviews in the Google Play store and has an average score of 1.8 out of 5 stars as of 1 PM Eastern. “Do not install! Unless you want a lobotomy,” warned one reviewer. “Stay away from this app unless you are ready to live rest of your life without one kidney [sic],” said another, referring to the high price tag of the newest iPhones. One user seemed to be building Apple up throught his review before ending it with the ultimate put-down:

Dear Apple I downloaded this application with hopes of switching over to Ios [sic] from android. I’ve burned all my pencils since the only worthy writing tool is the holy apple pencil. I’ve decided to sell one of my kidneys, because I need that gold apple watch. And now I gotta have the iPhone 6s, because 3d touch just sounds like an intimate way to get to know my phone. Hope to throw my money at you soon sincerely- Mr. Complete Sarcasm

Legitimate reviews of the Move to iOS app say it is straightforward and is able to easily transfer contacts, texts, photos, bookmarks, e-mail accounts and calendars from one device to another. But Android fans will no doubt keep fighting the good fight.

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