This Couple Turned Their Pregnancy Announcement Into a Horror Film

2 minute read

If there’s one thing that horror movies and pregnancy announcement videos have in common it’s that everyone always seems happy—at least at the beginning. That’s when things in horror films generally take a sharp detour into pure nightmare material while typical pregnancy announcements stay incredibly, nauseatingly chipper. Not so for Judy and Gavin Holt’s announcement. The couple took a page out of the horror genre and made a downright frightening birth announcement.

“I can feel it grow inside of me,” whispers Judy, while extreme camera angles and ominous music set the scene. A voiceover darkly announces: “There’s something in the oven!” Could it be a bun?

After a frightening trip to the doctor (“What’s happening to me?” Judy pleads) and an extreme close-up of a jar of Prego pasta sauce (get it?), soon enough, the message becomes clear: there’s a baby on the way. Hopefully one that doesn’t mind having extremely goofy parents.

Though a lot of viral pregnancy announcements come under fire for seeming (or actually being) fake, this video is so out there and unexpected it should still earn the creative couple a foot in the door in Hollywood’s horror community.

[H/T Daily Dot]

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