See How This Movie Poster Cleverly Hides a Bad Review

1 minute read

What do you do when you have a film poster to design and a bad review? Get creative.

A film critic for The Guardian noticed that a movie poster for Legend appears to make it look like he liked the film. The two stars that Benjamin Lee gave the film in his review fit perfectly between the heads of the two notorious British gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray, both played by Tom Hardy.

Of course, if moviegoers looked up the critique, they would likely be shocked that it was noted on the poster at all, given the review describes the film as “a disappointingly shallow take” that makes one feel, not “transported,” but “stuck on a tour bus,” and, to top it all off, argues that the narration is “lazy shorthand for a script that’s lacking in depth but overflowing with bad dialogue.”

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