6 Ways to Deal With Rejection

2 minute read

Realize it’s inevitable. Let’s face it, not everyone is going to think you are as indispensable and wonderful as your mom does. The expression, “Get used to rejection” may be trite and overused, but it certainly is true.

See rejection as an opportunity to learn. Don’t let yourself move on until you can verbalize to yourself at least 3 lessons from the experience of rejection. Even if you were rejected unfairly, there is always something positive you can take away from the experience.

If you deserved to be rejected, then own it. Sometimes, believe it or not, we all deserve to be turned down for something. Take responsibility for any foolish decisions you made, or behavior in which you engaged. Then, do yourself a favor: don’t repeat the error.

Be compassionate toward others who face rejection. Once your heart’s been broken by that rejection email, you can empathize with others who are going through the same thing. Be there for them. And someday you may have to write that rejection email. When you do, remember how it feels to be on the receiving end.

Take the high road. Avoid the temptation to blast the person or organization that just turned you down, especially on social media. You can never take that tweet or Facebook status down. It’s there forever. If you must speak to the experience of rejection publicly, then let your words reflect grace and dignity.

Don’t give up. If you give up on that book idea, business venture, job pursuit, grad school idea, or whatever, then your experience of being rejected was a waste. Never let a devastating, cry-your-eyes-out, come-from-nowhere experience of being rejected go to waste. “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.”

This article originally appeared on Avelist

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