This Man’s Enthusiasm About Sea Lions Is Truly Infectious

2 minute read

If you’re feeling kinda meh about everything today, we highly recommend taking a few minutes to watch the BBC’s Steve Backshall as he encounters a group of sea lions in California’s Monterey Bay. Backshall is just so, so, so excited about the creatures he has encountered, and his enthusiasm is infectious. Pretty soon, you’ll be feeling totally invigorated and excited about life.

“This is a truly unbelievable spectacle,” Backshall shouts gleefully. “Surrounded by California sea lions!”

He then gets a little defensive—but still totally joyful—about how incredible sea lions are. “These creatures are completely transformed here in their underwater world. They can appear to be clumsy when they’re on land but here, they are agile, graceful and zip through the water using those extraordinary wing-like front flippers.”

Seriously, Backshall just can’t stop telling us how incredible sea lions are. “They’re sleek … like a torpedo through the water!”

The video is a preview of the next episode of PBS’ Big Blue Live, a program showcasing the marine life of Monterey Bay. We recommend watching the episode, which airs Sunday at 8pm EST, to see Backshall declare sea lions the “absolute masters of the big blue.”

(h/t Jezebel)

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