Morning Must Reads: August 24

3 minute read

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has warned its offices nationwide to be on the lookout for a conservative organization conducting sting investigations in an effort to catch volunteers and staff engaging in improper behavior. The group likely behind it, Project Veritas, has allegedly offered to make contributions to the campaign that would have been illegal in order to embarrass Clinton. Vice President Joe Biden met with Sen. Elizabeth Warren this weekend, turning up the dial on speculation that he will mount a challenge to Clinton for the Democratic nomination. But Biden still has not made up his mind, aides say, and raising expectations for a run will only increase the attention he will get should he decide to take a pass.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is traveling to the Texas-Mexico border Monday, a week after he defended using the controversial term “anchor babies” in a contentious press conference. A proponent of comprehensive immigration reform, Bush finds himself out of step with many in his party’s base, and has been struggling to both ameliorate their concerns while maintaining his general election viability. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has held at least three different positions on changing rules for birthright citizenship, reopening a line of attack against him that he shifts his positions with the political winds.

And Donald Trump‘s rise has led to laughter, and anger, in Mexico.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Clinton Campaign On Alert For Undercover Conservative Sting

Campaign offices warned about undercover effort to catch staffers in compromising situations [TIME]

Defeating Terror on a Train: What the U.S. Heroes Proved

TIME’s Mark Thompson on the lessons from Friday’s attack and those who responded to it

Scott Walker on birthright citizenship: 3 positions, 7 days

Flip-flopping after Trump raises issue [CNN]

Has the clock run out for Dixville Notch?

The legendary early-polling site in New Hampshire may be a thing of the past [Washington Post]

A surprise Biden-Warren sit-down in D.C.

Presidential speculation abounds [Boston Globe]

Sound Off

“Until we start having debates, and offering those ideas that move our country forward, we’re going to be bogged down in questions of, what did Hillary Clinton know and when did she know it? And we cannot allow our party to be branded by those sorts of questions of the past. We have to look to the future. And we have to offer the ideas that move our country forward for the future.” —Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley on Clinton’s email issues on ABC’s This Week.

“Our job in this campaign, maybe the most important thing we can do, is to get people in America, working people, middle class people, lower income people to stop voting against their own best interests.” —Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders at a rally in Charleston, S.C. Saturday.

Bits and Bites

The Rise of Donald Trump Sparks Anger and Laughter in Mexico [TIME]

Watch Ellen Page Grill Ted Cruz Over LGBT Rights [TIME]

Jimmy Carter, Fresh Off First Cancer Treatments, Teaches Double Sunday School to Record Crowd [People]

Donald Trump Pays a Visit to His Not-So-Poor Relations [New York Times]

Caucus politics can’t cool longtime friendship [Des Moines Register]

Harry Reid endorses Iran deal, boosts chances Congress won’t block it [Washington Post]

As Rivals Snipe, Trump Dodges Questions on Details of Immigration Plan [New York Times]

Kasich, Perry teams trade barbs in Ohio [Columbus Dispatch]

White House Door Isn’t Always Open to Ex-Cons [Wall Street Journal]

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