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What You Said About …

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Karl Vick’s report on his weeks alongside the Philadelphia police–which MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski called a “really, really, really important side of the story”–prompted some readers to share their own positive experiences with law enforcement. “I did not see racism,” wrote Kathy Myron of Doylestown, Pa., who worked with police as an animal-safety official. “Quite the contrary, I saw cops bend over backward to be kind and patient” with community members. But others were highly skeptical. “I have always been a supporter of our police forces,” wrote William Stout of San Francisco, “but have changed my mind after viewing the endless videos surfacing daily.”


Readers had strong views on Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s open letter to presidential candidates explaining why they should speak out in support of Black Lives Matter. TIME.com reader aristotlecat wanted Kareem to explore other issues affecting people of color like “the thousands who die each year at the hands of other Blacks, often from gangland violence.” Phillip Smith of Orem, Utah, added that there are other variables, besides racism, that “contribute to the problems of school dropout, crime, incarceration, etc.” In response to Abdul-Jabbar’s take on politicians’ reply that “all lives matter” (it “ignores the problem”), Mark Still of Philadelphia wrote, “All lives do matter. And it is not cowardly at all to insist upon this point. We do not seek to deny bigotry. We seek to deny bigotry of having any power over us.”


Following a lively trip to the Iowa State Fair on Aug. 15 and a brief stint at a lower-Manhattan courthouse for jury duty on Aug. 17, GOP front runner Donald Trump sat for an extended interview with TIME editor Nancy Gibbs, Washington bureau chief Michael Scherer and political correspondent Zeke J. Miller (see page 26), as well as two photo shoots with photographer Martin Schoeller. For one, deputy photo director Paul Moakley arranged for an unusual addition to Trump’s office decor: an American bald eagle, flown in from Texas by master falconer and wildlife rehabilitator Jonathan Wood.


In January 1989, at the peak of the ’80s megaboom, Donald Trump appeared on TIME’s cover as the ultimate “flashy symbol of an acquisitive age,” as the magazine put it back then. Other details in writer Otto Friedrich’s story included tales of the billionaire’s eponymous yacht, casinos and buildings; his reaction to being asked if he had ever considered therapy (“I haven’t ever felt that I was out of control”); and the “artfully hyped talk about his having political ambitions, worrying about nuclear proliferation, even someday running for President.” Read the whole story at time.com/vault.

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