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Man Finds Bear Chilling Out in His Swimming Pool in Vancouver

1 minute read

A man found a bear sitting in the swimming pool in the backyard of his home in Vancouver, British Columbia, CTV News reports.

It even scootched over into the hot tub.

But it was not the first time that homeowner, Tony Diering, saw a bear on his property. About a month ago, one helped itself to some bird seed.

No word on whether this visitor was a bear running away from the man in a bear costume harassing bears in Anchorage, Alaska (though probably too far a trek, of course.)

In any event, it is just the latest example of a bear making headlines for wading into a stranger’s pool, from the one that smelled up a pool in Pennsylvania to one that played with children’s toys while taking a dip in a pool outside a Kentucky home. Then there’s the Los Angeles woman who found out there was a bear in her pool after hearing helicopters and loud speakers tell residents to stay in their homes.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com