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This Man Called the Police Because His Girlfriend’s Cat Ate All the Bacon

1 minute read

A man wanted to press charges against his girlfriend and her cat because she let the feline eat his bacon, according to audio of an emergency call released this week by the West Yorkshire Police.

During the call, the operator calmly explained, “It’s not a criminal offense to let a cat eat your bacon, okay? And we don’t arrest cats. I’m very sorry.”

The authorities shared the audio with the Yorkshire Evening Post to show the public how much time is taken up by non-urgent phone calls, from complaints about expired food at the grocery store to a question about how to get a pigeon out of the house.

Black Cat Audition, 1961

Black Cat Audition, 1961
Caption from LIFE. Who's afraid of all these black cats?Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Black Cat Audition, 1961
A lone white cat, out of place auditioning for a role in The Black Cat.Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images


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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com