• Entertainment

Jon Stewart Reveals What He Scribbles on Those Blue Papers on The Daily Show

1 minute read

With just a few more days before Jon Stewart says goodbye to The Daily Show, he’s letting fans in on some secrets—like what’s up with those blue papers he’s always scribbling on during the show? The papers themselves are scripts for the show, but his drawings are just some rudimentary cartoons to keep his brain busy. “I get bored, I can’t smoke anymore, so I scribble, or I doodle the same cartoons over and over again,” he explains in the above video. “What I normally do is I draw a round-headed drunk guy, or I draw me when I was in a college.”

No word on what happens to the scripts after he’s done sketching—Comedy Central could probably make a lot of money auctioning off Stewart’s discarded doodles.

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com