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Texas Launches Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Over Video

1 minute read

Texas’ top law enforcement official has opened an investigation into Planned Parenthood following the release of a widely shared video that shows a staffer discussing fetal tissue donations.

Attorney General Ken Paxton said Wednesday the video “offers a glimpse into an organization that knowingly and deliberately destroys human life to further its bottom line.”

He said Planned Parenthood engages in “calculated slaughter of human babies to maximize the available body parts they plan to sell.”

The activists who released the video argue that it shows that Planned Parenthood sells parts of aborted fetuses, which is against the law. The organization says that the official featured in the video was simply discussing how certain costs could be reimbursed and said it in no way profits off the sale of fetal tissue.

The release of a video that has led many pro-life advocates to denounce the organization. A number of Republican 2016 presidential candidates blasted the organization on Tuesday and leaders in the House of Representatives have called for an official investigation.

Read Next: Why Planned Parenthood Provides Fetal Cells to Scientists

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