Schwarzenegger to Zuckerberg: Bro, Do You Even Lift?

1 minute read

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had a surprise participant on his online Q&A Tuesday: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The former California governor hopped onto Facebook to ask Zuckerberg about how he manages to find time to exercise despite being “one of the busiest guys on the planet.”

“Mark, I always tell people that nobody is too busy to exercise, especially if Popes and Presidents find time,” Schwarzenegger wrote. “So tell me how you find time to train and what is your regimen like?”

As it turns out, Zuckerberg manages to squeeze in workouts at least three times a week, he wrote in reply.

“I also try to take my dog running whenever I can, which has the added bonus of being hilarious because that basically [is] like seeing a mop run.”

Facebook’s Gorgeous New Campus Has a ‘Green Roof’ the Size of 7 Football Fields

An aerial view of Facebook's new campus, an expansion of its current headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. The LEED-certified building, known as MPK 20, has a 9-acre "green roof."Matt Harnack for Facebook
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
The roof contains a half-mile walking loop for employees and over 400 trees.Matt Harnack for Facebook
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
A view of the MPK 20 roof at night.Gehry Partners, LLP
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
The lobby of the campus is entered from the roof.Matt Harnack for Facebook
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
The building, known as MPK 20, will officially open this spring.Matt Harnack for Facebook
Construction begins on April 28, 2014 on Facebook's new west campus in Menlo Park CA.
Construction on the campus seen from above in April, 2014.Proehl Studios/Corbis
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
An early architectural model in the offices of world-renowned architect Frank Gehry.Courtesy of Facebook
Architect Frank Gehry and Mark Zuckerberg review the model before it's construction.Facebook

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