Morning Must Reads: June 15

3 minute read

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is officially entering the 2016 race, but not the way he hoped. The son and brother of presidents has raised a ton of money, but he has his work cut out convincing people to actually vote for him. His announcement speech will focus heavily on his record as governor, in which he will cast himself as a conservative who brought actual results to his state. The outcome of a trade deal will determine President Obama’s legacy, while its complications are leading his would-be Democratic successor, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to seemingly break with the White House. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is called out by the British Prime Minister’s office. And Clinton gives her first sit-down interview in Iowa.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Romney, McCain Criticize GOP Debate Rules
The last two Republican nominees add fuel to the push to allow all candidates on the stage at this summer’s debates [TIME]

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and a President’s Legacy
Obama’s Asia policy on thin ice after Democrats bolt [New York Times]

Jeb Bush Poised to Formally Join 2016 Campaign
After 18-months of planning, the son and brother of presidents goes for the trifecta [TIME]

Clinton Launches a More Personal Campaign
TIME’s Sam Frizell on the Clinton re-launch

Hillary Clinton Urges Obama to Listen to Democrats on Trade Deal
Her first comments on the subject are…nuanced [New York Times]

Iowa Straw Poll Dead at 36, Killed by Irrelevance
The GOP nominating calendar gets another, well deserved, shake-up, TIME’s Philip Elliott reports

Sound Off

“I don’t want to be critical of the New York Times, but they did buy the Boston Globe and the Worcester Telegram for $1.3 billion and sold it for $80 million. So if we’re talking about bad investment decisions or spending decisions, I’d put that way higher on the list.” — Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, defending Sen. Marco Rubio’s financial decisions

“Well, there’s a lot of them. It looks more like the Kentucky Derby than Belmont … They’ve got a lot of youth, they’ve got a lot of energy. They’ve got some significant diversity and they’re no dummies.” — Former President Bill Clinton to CNN on the GOP field

Bits and Bites

U.S. airstrike in Libya targets planner of 2013 Algeria attack [New York Times]

British leader to Scott Walker: I never dissed Obama [TIME]

‘Workers are paying for cheap gas with their lives’ [Politico]

How a devastating loss in Florida taught Jeb Bush what it takes to win [Washington Post]

When Jeb Bush’s top strategist sat next to Rand Paul on a plane [TIME]

Clinton: Americans have ‘amnesia’ about GOP failings [Des Moines Register]


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