Morning Must Reads: June 3

2 minute read

President Obama signed into law a bill allowing most of the National Security Agency’s spy programs to resume, but one controversial provision isn’t coming back. Securing a deal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership will cement Obama’s legacy, assuming he can get it through a very skeptical Congress. Sen. Marco Rubio has managed to sell the home he co-owned with embattled former Rep. David Rivera. And former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has started throwing elbows at his 2016 rivals.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

NSA Program to Collect Phone Records Ends

TIME’s Michael Scherer on the scaled-back surveillance programs

The Inside Story of How the Clintons Built a $2 Billion Global Empire
The birth of a philanthropic—and political—powerhouse [Washington Post]

Obama Goes into Overdrive on Trade Push
A tough vote for both parties is a legislative test for the president [Politico]

Sanders Eyes Run Warren Run’s Network in Iowa
The candidate looks to tap into the not-candidate’s network, TIME’s Sam Frizell reports

At Florida Summit, Jeb Bush Sharpens Attacks on Potential 2016 Rivals
The would-be front-runner throws some elbows [Washington Post]

SEC Chief is Latest Target of Elizabeth Warren’s Ire
The liberal lawmaker is unhappy with Mary Jo White [Boston Globe]

Sound Off

“I’m not going to start making — you’re trying to get me to make a derogatory comment about members of the Senate … I admire and respect them all. We have different points of view on this important issue.” —Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declining to say whether Sen. Rand Paul—whom he has endorsed for president—would make the country safer

“It’s kind of hard to imagine that my good friend, Marco, would be critical of his good friend, Jeb … This isn’t Tiddlywinks we’re playing.” —A sarcastic Bush to reporters on the likelihood of “sharp elbows” being thrown by Rubio

Bits and Bites

Marco Rubio sells his house of horrors [Politico]Jeb Bush, taking his time, tests the legal definition of candidate [New York Times]

Scott Walker vows to compete in Florida [New York Times]

President Obama to deliver eulogy at Beau Biden’s funeral mass [TIME]


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