Quit Texting All the Time Because You Might Get WhatsAppitis

1 minute read

A 34-year-old woman in Granada complaining of sore wrists was diagnosed with “WhatsAppitis” — named for the popular instant messaging service WhatsApp — after the doctor ruled out carpal tunnel syndrome and nerve damage, the Guardian reports.

The woman had spent at least six hours with her phone in her hands, exerting her thumbs to respond to a deluge of messages she had received. Soon, she felt pain in both her wrists.

Prestigious medical journal the Lancet wrote about the diagnosis, explaining that the treatment consisted of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sure, fine. But treatment also included — wait for it — “complete abstinence from using the phone to send messages.” (Gasp!) Because the woman was pregnant, however, she only took acetaminophen and also, she did not completely abstain from smartphone messaging.

The Lancet warns doctors to be mindful of disorders like this, but perhaps it should also warn everyone to be mindful of, you know, not spending six continuous hours texting.

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